The Vancouver Island Technology Park has been in partnership with the Western Diversification Program since the inception of the Park. The Western Diversification Program played a significant role in the creation of VITP’s Conference Centre as the program made a significant financial contribution that allowed VITP to create a world-class meeting place for the technology community. Today, the Conference Centre has been home to numerous celebrations and achievements for the hi-tech industry. Through events such as the creation of Aspreva Pharmaceuticals, VIAFest, various grand openings, and foreign delegation visits, VITP’s Conference Centre has become the gateway to technology in Victoria.
Western Economic Diversification Canada was established in 1987 to strengthen Western Canada’s economy and to advance the interests of the West in national economic policy. Since then, the Department has invested more than $2.7 billion in Western Canada to achieve these goals, through programs and services that support:
- An expanded and competitive Western Canadian business sector. Western Economic Diversification Canada works to improve the business management capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises; improve access to financing; increase investment in Western Canada; and increase participation in international markets. Its Western Canada Business Service network offers access business assistance from more than 100 points of service across the West.
- The development of new innovative technologies. Western Economic Diversification Canada works to strengthen knowledge infrastructure, leverage new funding for research and development, accelerate technology commercialization, support key innovation clusters and create jobs and growth in knowledge-based sectors.
- Sustainable prosperity in communities throughout the region. Western Economic Diversification Canada works to renew physical infrastructure in western Canadian communities that protects the environment and supports economic growth; integrate government programs to maximize community development and sustainability; strengthen community capacity to implement activities promoting sustainability; and help identify new economic opportunities for communities facing severe economic adjustment impacts.