
Research inspired learning;
the benefits are clear

UVic aspires to be Canada’s premier comprehensive research-intensive university offering internationally recognized research platforms.

UVic’s research mission is to benefit society through the advancement and application of knowledge, creative and artistic expression, and the creation of a research-inspired learning environment, which they have accomplished with the help of VITP through their three research platforms.

The UVic Genome BC Proteomics Centre is a state-of-the-art, not-for-profit proteomics research facility located at VITP. It is supported by a collaborative relationship between Genome BC and UVic and is the longest operating proteomics core facility in Canada.

UVic’s internationally recognized ocean observatory, consisting of the VENUS (coastal) and NEPTUNE Canada regional networks, which supports a new generation of coastal and deep ocean research.

Insert great ideas here…

What happens when a research company develops a great idea or a company needs the expertise of UVic faculty?

Now more than ever, Universities are recognizing the value of collaborating with industry to grow technology.  The University of Victoria is putting a greater emphasis on promoting and supporting university-industry research partnerships and knowledge transfer.

UVic believes that growing technology in partnership with industry can be a much more effective means of transferring technology from the academic environment to the commercial environment.  Working collaboratively with industry also enables both UVic and its industry partners to access public funding programs and to share resources. This benefits UVic researchers and students, industry partners and the economy as a whole.

Quick Facts about UVic Research!

$100M in Annual Research Funding, ~20,000 students (2500 graduate), $1.77 Billion in economic impact, in the 2010 Research Infosource ranking of Canada’s research universities, UVic tops all other universities in Canada in two out of three measures of research performance over the last decade. How is that for impressive?