UVic Connection

A 2-way street – connecting academia and the technology industry + UVic technology commercialization


Experiential education – the UVic focus


Facilitating UVic technology commercialization and more, as VITP is an enterprise of the University of Victoria (UVic), the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences have become increasing sources for student employment, development and mentorship at the park – helping draw some of the brightest minds to our community and keeping them here.


By providing one-on-one introductions, mentorship referrals, and networking sessions, VITP offers access to industry and promotes opportunities for co-op and graduate students to be absorbed into our companies.


Through the Thought Leadership Series, VITP provides both undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to learn from and interact with innovative “thought” leaders and then participate in a networking session with local business leaders.

The secure ties to UVic also allow VITP to leverage its academic resources and provide our tenants with unmatched access to students, faculties and research platforms in order to help grow and develop their companies.


“UVic’s co-op program has provided me with the opportunity to build relationships and connect with the Victoria business community. My position at VITP has given me hands-on experience writing business cases and working with local entrepreneurs. This job has been invaluable in expanding my skill set outside of the classroom.” Fiona Nordean, past VITP co-op student and 10,000th Gustavson placement.





Research inspired learning; the benefits are clear


UVic aspires to be Canada’s premier comprehensive research-intensive university offering internationally recognized research platforms.


UVic’s research mission is to benefit society through the advancement and application of knowledge, creative and artistic expression, and the creation of a research-inspired learning environment, which they have accomplished with the help of VITP through their three research platforms.


The UVic Genome BC Proteomics Centre is a state-of-the-art, not-for-profit proteomics research facility located at VITP. It is supported by a collaborative relationship between Genome BC and UVic and is the longest operating proteomics core facility in Canada.

UVic’s internationally recognized ocean observatory, consisting of the VENUS (coastal) and NEPTUNE Canada regional networks, which supports a new generation of coastal and deep ocean research.


Insert great ideas here…


What happens when a research company develops a great idea or a company needs the expertise of UVic faculty? Enter the Innovation and Development Corporation (IDC), UVic’s industry liaison office.


The IDC serves as a portal for private sector collaboration and a launch pad for commercially viable inventions and concepts. Each year IDC helps negotiate hundreds of industry contracts, files dozens of patents and actively promotes UVic technology and expertise. The IDC has boosted the local economy through the creation of more than 40 spin-off companies.